Tuesday, September 26, 2006

David v Goliath

That is how the election campaign will be with Mr. Cameron taking on Mr. Brown.

And true to the bible, the rank outsider can pull off a shock victory. We live in a very superficial era where appearances do count.

Lets hope for Gordon that he has enough going for him elsewhere to lead the 'Philistines' to victory!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Deadly Rotweilers

A baby was 'teared apart' by two savage rotweillers. What beggars belief is that this species was never added to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. I can think of no more deserving species of dogs of the title dangerous.

This news has not died down and it is an event that pulls at the heartstrings which will inevitably provoke a policy change.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Go Gordon!

Gordon Brown is making his move. Leaked policy changes and sob stories will go a long way to securing the Labour helm.

He needs more public appearances though, maybe a stint on 'Have I Got News For You' or Top Gear.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Raising the driving age

A campaign has been started to effectively raise the legal driving age from 17 to 18.

This is good news for all concerned but certain to be met with protests by all 16 and 17 year olds currently confined to taking the bus.

The pros of the policy change include lower insurance premiums for all and fewer deaths and accidents.

The only party to lose out are those above mentioned teenagers but luckily for the MP's who support this change, these kids are not of voting age. Therefore a win-win situation arises and it will not be long for this policy change to come into effect.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thailand Coup

The Hungarian PM must be thinking the luck of the Irish is with him this week. Sure, he is getting stick from his own people about his Economic lies but on a global level, it is small potatoes compared to the coup d'etat shenanigans of Thailand.

It must be the ultimate embarrassment, meeting 191 other world leaders at the UN meeting in New York and suddenly you lose your leader status. They must all be secretly laughing at Mr Thaksin but they all probably made a quick phone call home to make sure all was ok in their own domain.

The Thailand coup masterminds have handled it well and it looks like they have pulled it off with the support of the country thanks to the King.

Back to the UN, I bet Dubya is cursing the former President who gave an Executive Order that the United States will not assassinate the leader of any nation. They could so easily snuff out the leaders of Iran and Venezuela while they are in New York and blame it on the local muggers.

I would suggest those who badmouthed the US to keep their personal security tight because it has been reported that the US will ask their old chums, the Brits, to send in the SAS when they want to 'silence' head of states.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Security is tight around the Pope

I wonder if the Pope has a double of himself. If it is good enough for Saddam then it is good enough for his holiness.

It will foil all assassination attempts. They should make a computer game about assassinating world leaders; it will definitely sell and marketing costs will be non-existent due to all the controversial publicity. Time to fire off an email to Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

P990i is out on Vodafone

The Sony Ericsson P990i is finally out on the Vodafone network. It is available from their online stores but it will probably be worth a try haggling in the Voda stores with the salesman to get the phone for free.

After reviewing loads and loads of phone websites, I can report that the handsets offered by Vodafone are unlocked and not themed grey and red as they normally are.

O2 should have the phone on 25/09/06 or 02/10/06 at the latest.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Ohuruogu on Viagra?

So another athlete is banned for drug related offences but this time it is only because she missed 3 drug tests. Whether she is guilty or not is beyond the point. Maybe she forgot, maybe she had popped a couple of Viagra the night before, but there can surely be no arguments against her receiving the ban.

I mean come one, she missed THREE tests.

Unlike Rio Ferdinand who missed just the one dope test and got a ridiculous 20 year ban.

How embarrassing would it be if you came out positive for the little blue pills and they plastered it all over the tabloids. I can see that day happening.

Pope 'insults' Muslims

Well, to be fair to his holiness, he represents a totally different faith and religion is a war. Surely the 10 commandments must be followed and 'Thy must not worship false idols' implies that all other 'gods' and prophets alike must be denounced.