Friday, September 14, 2007

Formula One: Mclaren spygate

What a great atmosphere it must be inside Mclaren. To basically be ratted out by their own drivers. Don't these guys know where the delete button is on the keyboard. And Ron Dennis not knowing....purlease! might have turned a blind eye to it but you knew it and now you are going to resign within a week citing exhaustion.

Rugby: South Africa thrash England

36-0. How embarassing. Not the scoreline, but the fact that England said they would win....and I believed them!

Northern Rock shares drop 32%

Talk about illogical hysteria (is there any other type?).

It's like the 2000 fuel shortage all over again. People are queuing up and withdrawing all their money from a bank that will not go bust, has layers of guarantee (granted, it's only upto 32K but those wallies I saw today wouldn't look out of place in the dole queue) and has over 100 million pounds in assets.

Get a grip! These wallies are just fueling the flickering fire.

But the share price drop is understandable. To get into the mess they are in, NR must have some risk takers in their management structure and their gamble is not paying off. Why invest money into people who have proven themselves to be failures when you can give it to some other willy nilly upstart director who has yet to prove anything?

Langham sentenced over child porn

Have the police checked if he was in Portugal 4 monhs ago?

Friday, October 13, 2006

N Korea

There really is no reason for America not to invade North Korea. Situations here are much more suited for an invasion.

This is not an Afghanistan or Iraq. The N. Koreans are suffering and deep down they are jealous of their southern brothers. I am sure any resistance by the people would be minimal.

It is akin to the cold war era when there was no shortage of Soviet traitors looking for a little bit extra to help them through their poverty.

I think it is time for conscription.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Jack Straw & The Cursed Veil

Jack Straw was brave in what he said. He was right and correctly backed up.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

David v Goliath

That is how the election campaign will be with Mr. Cameron taking on Mr. Brown.

And true to the bible, the rank outsider can pull off a shock victory. We live in a very superficial era where appearances do count.

Lets hope for Gordon that he has enough going for him elsewhere to lead the 'Philistines' to victory!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Deadly Rotweilers

A baby was 'teared apart' by two savage rotweillers. What beggars belief is that this species was never added to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. I can think of no more deserving species of dogs of the title dangerous.

This news has not died down and it is an event that pulls at the heartstrings which will inevitably provoke a policy change.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Go Gordon!

Gordon Brown is making his move. Leaked policy changes and sob stories will go a long way to securing the Labour helm.

He needs more public appearances though, maybe a stint on 'Have I Got News For You' or Top Gear.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Raising the driving age

A campaign has been started to effectively raise the legal driving age from 17 to 18.

This is good news for all concerned but certain to be met with protests by all 16 and 17 year olds currently confined to taking the bus.

The pros of the policy change include lower insurance premiums for all and fewer deaths and accidents.

The only party to lose out are those above mentioned teenagers but luckily for the MP's who support this change, these kids are not of voting age. Therefore a win-win situation arises and it will not be long for this policy change to come into effect.